Monday, July 20, 2009

Choosing the right office projector

A projector is an expensive office product that allows the user to "project" images from a computer. This is highly recommended for office presentations wherein applications such as PowerPoint and other applications can be shared to everyone.
Because a projector could be expensive equipment for the office, selecting a projector should not be a hasty process.
To make sure you choose the right projector, consider the following factors:
Lumens - ANSI Lumens indicate the brightness of the projector. A projector with high ANSI Lumens could work well even in a well lighted environment. Higher lumens are also ideal for larger audience. Decent ASNI lumens should be at 1,000 while powerful lumens are at 2,000 and beyond.
Compatibility - be aware that there are projects that might not work with Mac computers and laptops. The projector also should be capable to be used with HDMI for clearer pictures or if you want to stream hi-def videos.
Portability - if you anticipate that your projector would be used in various places, consider lightweight projectors (two to five pounds) although they should be a little bit more expensive.
Contrast Ratio - for a clearer picture, choose a projector with higher ratio. Never select a project with a ratio below 400:1.
Resolution - this is often related with the inputs that could be used in a projector. If your projector has HDMI input then there's a chance that you should be able to use it with very detailed pictures and videos. Regular resolutions of 800x400 are expected from protectors that accept VGA input.