Sunday, March 16, 2008

Full Spectrum Light-Reading in Daylight

We have all heard someone saying “you will strain your eyes reading”. This could actually be true under specific circumstances. People bigger amounts of light for sufficient reading as they grow older. That’s why some of you may remember your mother yelling to you about reading in the dark. Back then it wasn’t back for you. Tests actually show that a 60 year old person needs twice the amount of light he did when he or she was 30.

When reading, is beneficial for your sight to follow a few rules, which will prove to be a treasure as years go by. It is important not to over shadow your reading material so position your source of light properly, so place it behind you and ideally your left shoulder if you are right handed and the other way round.

To avoid fatiguing glare make sure no light is reflected from the reading pages into your eyes. Also, you can try to combine general light with a more direct source. Obviously, the last advice should be applied when the light is not annoying someone else, maybe a second person in bed. This combination will protect your eyes from straining trying to adjust from darkness to light.

The best light for reading is the full spectrum light, which is designed to resemble daylight and provides the perfect contrast for reading with higher definition color matching. This technology achieves the day light imitation by providing the "full" or "natural" light spectrum to your eye. Typical light bulbs produce light only from the "warmer" red, yellow and orange parts of the visual spectrum, completely lacking the "cooler" blues. I would recommend it, it actually makes a great difference when reading and it creates a “cleaner”, crispier atmosphere in the room.