Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Essential Free Software for Businesses and Home Offices

You may have just bought a new laptop or thinking of starting up your own small business - home or office based. Whatever the case may be, let's see if we can get you set up in under 1 minute! Some time ago we talked about the top 5 Software Every Office Needs.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Make your PC greener with Ecobutton

Want to save power without reducing your computer’s performance? Look no further than Ecobutton, a simple-to-use gadget that shifts your PC or laptop into energy saving mode when you’re not using it.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Revolutionary Pen Designs

Note making can be dull but, with these super modern pens on the market, it doesn't have to be.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

10 Time Saving Tips

The Flying Solo Micro Business Community have compiled an extensive list of time saving tips from their members.  Here are some of the best ones:

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

10 Things to Make Your Office Fun and Inspiring Again

On average, we spend 40 hours a week at work, 160 a month and 1920 a year. That is why it is so important to make your time at work as fun and as inspiring as possible.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Ultimate Office Perks

Back in the day, it felt like a real treat when you could pinch a few biscuits from a meeting and be allowed to leave fifteen minutes early on a Friday afternoon.  Nowadays the top firms are so determined to hire and keep the best staff that they are offering outrageous perks that wouldn't have even been dreamt of years ago. Here are some examples of the most extravagant office perks:

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Essential Office Supplies for Starting a Business

When you start a new business there are lots of important and useful office supplies that you need. You might not know all of them, or some of them you might forget about. This guide covers the essentials that you need for efficiency when you start up.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

10 Essential Things You Should Have At Your Office Desk

We spend a lot of our lives sitting at our desk and that is why we need to kit them out with the everyday essentials and little touches which make our days bearable. For many, your desk at work is like a second home.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Addictive iPhone Games And The Reason For Their Success

Here are a few games you will have heard of if you have a Smartphone or you have a friend with one. They are all addictive & this article explores the reasons they are addictive.